¡HLA! Let’s celebrate the diversity of Spanish language with Textspañol
Verizon is celebrating the diverse digital language that connects Latinos through Textspañol, a first-of-its kind resource of Spanish slang and textspeak. Latinos spend more time than non-Latinos on almost all social media and messaging services, with those aged 18-34 being twice as likely to use apps like WhatsApp. With all of this texting, Spanish-speakers have created a diverse range of abbreviations and digital dialogue that varies across ages, regions, and cultures, reflecting the nuances of local communities. If you’re ready to take your text game beyond “lol” and “lmk”, Textspañol can help you level up your “HLA” and “salu2” game and learn new, relevant Spanish phrases to connect with Spanish-speaking loved ones in a culturally-relevant way.
To read more, click here.