ACP in the Community: Dr. Alister Martin (Link Health) & Carmen Lopez
Over 22 million American households are using the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) to get affordable access to broadband. With that they are getting access to resources they need for work, school, healthcare, and more. How long can they count on it? In a letter first shared with CBS News, FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel warned Congress that funding will run out in April. She said, the “ACP is in jeopardy and, absent additional funding, we could lose the significant progress this program has made towards closing the digital divide.”
Carmen Lopez, an ACP recipient from Boston, told us about the impact the ACP has had on her family and said, “I hope the ACP doesn’t get disconnected so it can help families like mine and others.” Ms. Lopez, her daughter, and Dr. Alister Martin, Founder and Executive Director of Link Health, are featured in our latest ACP in the Community video. Watch English and Spanish versions of the video to hear from them about the critical role the ACP is playing in connecting homes and how it can help improve health outcomes.